
Jan 25, 2005 11:23

I had a grandparent come up to me at the end of the preschool class today. She said it went a lot better and also mentioned that she was scared after what happened last week. HAH!! I knew it was chaos, but to have someone tell me that a week later... Well what do they expect? I have had nothing to do with early childhood age for 1.5 year olds, except for 'my kids.' I've never had 16 kids of that age at one time and now I do. Today, went a lot better than I expected.

I also worked out today so I betcha I'm going to be sore tomorrow. I haven't lifted weights in who knows how long. I'm already starting to feel it in my arms.

Yesterday, I was called in to substitute. For a school you say? No, for the park district. I got called in to do another preschool class. Fortunately, there's another teacher there so I did not have to do any of the planning. I just had to keep the kids occupied with free play while she did the project. Pretty good kids for 2.5-3.5 year olds. The best part that whole day was snack time at the end. The kids had apple juice and animal crackers. One of them burped, looked at me, and said, "Excuse me." I smiled and nodded my head and turned my attention to another kid. The burp kid said, "I said excuse me!" I looked at him with surprise and I responded with, "You're excused." He replied, "Thank you." I was so surprised with this kids manners I couldn't help myself from laughing inside. He had better manners than I do!!! Now why can't all parents teach their kids to behave like that? Instead parents allow their children to swear, flip the bird, give attitude, etc. What is this world coming to? I hope those particular students in question do not become teachers because I will not send my child to someone who never gave me respect. Oy, the rambling ceases...till next time.
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