How to Make Computing Easy: A Vista Downgrade
I have downgraded and it’s the only time in my life that I am proud that I made it. I am done with Vista. Here are the steps that I took to do that. If you have any questions on how you can be Vista Free (VF) please ask questions!
Here are the items that you need become VF:
1. Download the drivers for your computer. That is, I have an HP Pavilion dv6000. I went to and searched for my machine and downloaded ALL the drivers under the Windows XP page. Then, you will want to burn a CD or DVD of those drivers so when your installation is complete you will be able to load the drivers you need to run XP on your awesome computer that needs XP not Vista.
2. You will also need that old copy of XP. The old machine that you have that came with XP, has an installation disk. Knock the dust the off both the CD and the key which you will need during the installation.
3. An external media which is large enough to copy all your files you want to keep from the hard drive.
4. A copy of a partition software program.
5. A coffee pot full of coffee.
6. About 4 hours of time.
Now, when you have all these items and you are ready to reinstall XP follow these steps:
1. Back up those files that you want to keep.
2. Copy your music file. IMPORTANT: in iTunes these files have .ini files that build your library and playlist that you have made. BE SURE to UNAUTHORIZE iTunes after you have moved your music files. Also be sure to copy your document file to your back up media. I used a 200 GB external Hard drive that was formatted in NTSF. It worked like a charm. (I had to reformat it in Vista using the command prompt because vista would not let me open the drive or move files to it. I then reformatted it in NTSF using Vista.)
3. Open your CD Drive bay and place the XP installation disk in it. DO NOT CLOSE IT! Keep it open until you restart your computer. When you it shuts down close the bay. Your computer should boot from the CD drive. If it doesn’t here is a simple fix. Shut your computer down and restart it again. On the first screen in the bottom left hand corner, it will read:
a. Enter Boot BIOS PRESS F10 or something to this effect. Press that FKey and switch the boot route.
4. Once the CD loads all the files that your computer needs to download XP to your hard drive you will come to a screen which will read:
a. Install Windows XP
b. Repair XP
5. You will want to select R to repair XP. You are not going to repair XP you want to reformat the hard drive. Follow these steps to do that:
a. You will want to get to the command prompt.
b. On the C command line type the following in all caps: FORMAT C: It should look like this: C:>FORMAT C:
c. The next question will be do you want to format C:/ type Y and hit enter
d. Follow the instructions on the screen.
e. Go to the kitchen and grab a cup of coffee and make a phone call or read or do something for at least 45 minutes. But check your computer every 5 to 10 minutes to make sure that the disk is being formatted properly. If not, it will tell you if it’s not going well.
f. After it has finished and you have followed the instructions type EXIT in the command prompt. It should look like this: C:>EXIT. Hit enter. And your computer should turn off.
Okay, now. Go and have a cigarette. And just relax for a minute. I usually at this point call someone or text someone or just chill for a moment. At this point I also warm up my coffee and have a smoke.
Now its time to restart your computer and let XP do its thing! When it comes to the screen where its time to install, it will guide you to make a partition. RED FLAG! Since it’s XP that you are installing it will only recognizes the space that does not have Vista on it. Don’t freak out. It’s only about 10GB of a virus called Vista and we will take care of that later. Just select the largest partition leave the other alone.
Hit enter and let it partition.
XP will shut down your computer and restart it. At this point, it’s really easy. XP will walk you through the rest of the download.
When XP is finished loading completely you will need to have a cigarette and a cup of coffee.
But again, make sure that you give a glance to the screen. REMEMBER that it will ask for the software key. It’s usually on the back of the sleeve or CD case that your copy of XP came with. There is also a copy that came with your computer documentation. (Any copy of XP will work on all PC’s, but that’s just an historians educated guess, I wouldn’t know from experience or anything that might violate copyright laws).
After the installation, this is the point to load all the drivers that you downloaded earlier. Just insert the disk and start with the first one and go from there, allowing each to download to your computer. Make sure you restart your computer each time.
Once that is completed, you will need to have an internet connection to start the windows updates. Just keep updating until you cannot up date anymore.
Now that you have all the updates that you need, you can begin to load up the software that you need to make your computer totally awesome!
This is a good point where you might want to defragment your hard drive.
Go have a cigarette and a fresh cup of coffee.
POST INSTALLATION PART II (if you are not comfortable doing this don’t do it)
OKAY! This is the trickiest part because if you do not pay attention you will totally destroy what you just done.
You will want to find this software called Partition Magic. Yes, it does cost a little bit to use, but there is other software out there will do the same thing without the cost. I bought it just in case someone else wants me to downgrade there system to a more reliable OS.
Download this software to your hard drive, install it, and run it. It will totally walk you through the process of betting the rest of Vista off your machine that deserves better.
That’s it. In an afternoon you will be Vista Free!
If you have any questions about the installation process let me know. I can walk you through it. I am not professional but I have done it and know a little bit about what I am talking about.
Words of Warning
I thought you guys might want to know how to do it. Everyone that I have talked to about this said it wasn’t possible. Here I am to prove that false. I guess, having a History Degree does pay off… Speaking of which, I am selling 35,000 copies of my degree for 1.00(USD) to help pay back my loans. J
MAKE SURE that you have copied your drivers to a blank CD. I have learned to do this first because I got caught without a drivers disk and had to go without a computer for a few days until I could locate a computer where I could download and burn a drivers disk.
Also MAKE SURE you back up all the files and records that you want to keep. Most files these days are backward formatted so that you may open them that are made in one MS-OS to another.
That’s how we do it! That’s how you get the worlds largest virus off your computer. Again, if you have any questions, I will be happy to try and answer them or direct you to someone who can help.