New Year's goals...

Dec 18, 2008 17:11

I decided to write down all of the goals I hope to achieve in my lifetime and then put a timeline on everything.  I chose the top three goals I want to achieve within a year-- why they are important-- and the very first baby steps to get things rolling so I'm not just talking out of my ass.  I will embark on the first step for each of these three goals within the next 24 hrs... I've been unmotivated... and now it is time to DO!!!  But I wanted to set very realistic goals so that they actually will get done.

Top Three One-Year Goals:

1.) Eat healthy/Exercise/Get weight down to around 130 lbs or whatever feels good.
  I have nothing without my health. Physical and mental health will bring vitality and strength to
  all of my endeavors. I will be more attractive to myself and others, which is helpful in all aspects of life (career, love, spirituality). I will set a good example for those around me, as well as keep up with those already on this path.
  -first step= start a food/weight/exercise journal

2.) Build a solid video and illustration portfolio.
  These are my chosen mediums of expression as I believe my calling in life is to serve humanity as an artist. Any talent must be rounded off with hard work and dedication to advancing knowledge and learning from those ahead on the path. Demonstrating my ability to convey ideas with beautiful and/or thought-provoking imagery and story will attract people that I can work with to further my position in the field.
  -first step= collect what useful bits I currently have and get them organized on my computer before attempting new material (this sounds easier than it is as my hard drive crashed a few months ago)

3.) Solo U.S. Road trip.
  There is so much I haven't seen in my own backyard. I think this is an important precursor to traveling the 
  world, and I also think it's important that I connect with strangers on a solo basis. I think I can learn
  a lot from travel and I want to see what America truly is for myself.
  -first step= find a job(s) so I can start putting away money for gas/lodging/car maintenance! (that is, after being able to maintain the cost of living)

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