14 - Festive

Dec 10, 2011 17:00

To whoever it was suggested it: nobody wants to see me dancing naked, so I won't be, thanks, and I'll keep my clothing unburnt.

[Private to Hoffman.]
If that's the ceremonial garb of your culture than I'd like to see more of it. Or less, really, given the comparative volumes of fabric.

[Letter to Santa]
Dear Santa,

I haven't had much luck with Saints. St. Andrej of Filial Piety hasn't answered a damn thing I've asked. If you can do better: I want the bonds safe while I'm not looking after them, and I want Andrej to stay sane.

I want my friends to have a bottle of something pleasant-- Captain Angua and Commander Rhade and Chromie and the Doctor and Arkady particularly. Put a bow on Arkady's.

I'm not sure what for Mark and Dracula, but something pleasant, something that'd make them happy.

And a little peace and clarity for Rassilon, but if you can't manage that, just a bottle of wine?

For Agent Kay and Coordinator Narvin a bottle of that useful Chigan massage oil that smells so pleasant, and one of those for me, too, please, I have a use for it.

Stildyne away

Santa: Addendum. Give Brax something artistic and cultural. Something he'll like. Something from Aznir, bed linens in that duckwing pattern.

Stildyne away

marquis de sade, mommy's got a thing for kinky noblemen, mark hoffman, actually a public post, mommy likes gossip, drake stone

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