12 - He worked hard on that ugly

Nov 28, 2011 07:20

[What can fairies do? Glamour. For the next hour, we've replaced your usual Chief Stildyne with Folgers Crystals a handsome, healthy young man with no scars to speak of and a voice that doesn't sound like rubble being stirred. He does, however, sound annoyed.]

A wild Ryan Gosling appears below cut )

plot:the cause of tooth decay, but how will he win his ugly competition, actually a public post

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buywithme November 29 2011, 00:50:04 UTC
I ducked some, Comrade.

[Video clicks on, and Prefect... appears to be looking down at the communicator, while hanging upside down in mid air. He's got one arm locked around a table leg, and is keeping himself moderately close to the floor with it. Two fairies are hovvering just beneath him, yanking on his hair.]

I'm not certain that it made any difference to them.


der_umgekehrte November 29 2011, 01:39:25 UTC
Well, hell. I'll have to hope I get my face back sooner than later, then.

Doing all right there?


buywithme November 29 2011, 23:03:18 UTC
They changed your face? [SQUINT.] What do you normally look like? [Yeah, Prefect didn't read/listen to the other comments. He responds to the question with an awkward little shrug.]

I'm all right, Comrade. Slightly dizzy. [What with all the blood rushing to his head and all. One of the fairies gives his hair a particularly savage yank, and Prefect winces.] Also, I may need a shower.


der_umgekehrte November 29 2011, 23:20:29 UTC
The name's Chief Stildyne, and if that doesn't bring a face to mind then I obviously had better get out there more once this is over.

...you need any help there, comrade? [His inflection's a little funny, the closest adress he knows being 'cousin', and that's a religious one from someone else's religion, but he's game for people's preferences.]


buywithme November 30 2011, 00:08:05 UTC
Oh! [Realisation dawns, and Prefect smiles.] No, I've seen you. You're a friend of the Marquis, aren't you?

I would really really appreciate that, Comrade. If it's not too much trouble. [Prefect says this extremely quickly. Almost as if he's been waiting for someone to offer for a while.] I'm on level four, room five.


Spams? der_umgekehrte November 30 2011, 00:17:50 UTC
[He looks pleased]

There you've got it. I'll be right over, see what I can do to help.

[and avoid the temptation to say something smug about how friendly the Marquis can be, because this one's easily scandalized, if he remembers right.]


Omnomnom spams! buywithme November 30 2011, 00:32:26 UTC
[Good resistance of temptation. Prefect is impressed by anyone who doesn't intrude into his personal bubble.]

Thank you, Comrade! I'll see you soon. The door's unlocked.


Spam der_umgekehrte November 30 2011, 00:39:50 UTC
[A few minutes later, Stildyne knocks for formality's sake and lets himself in. He's a little large in person, the willowy glamour stretched over a man who's better than 6'6".]


Spam buywithme November 30 2011, 01:16:03 UTC
[Prefect on the other hand, is a little under five foot ten, although the fact that he's currently floating in mid air gives himself a couple of extra feet. When Stildyne enters, he glances up at him and smiles brightly.]

Comrade! Hello! [He pauses, then slowly, slowly eases himself away from the table, and allowing himself to float up a little higher, bringing himself closer to eye level with Stildyne.]


Re: Spam der_umgekehrte November 30 2011, 01:31:42 UTC

[He takes in the situation calmly, though he's obviously taken aback.]

So if I try to turn you upright, do you think it would work? You're looking a little red in the face.


Spam buywithme November 30 2011, 01:48:30 UTC
[Prefect begins to nod, then hesitates, looking slightly dubious.] I... Comrade, I would really like to be the right way up, but the problem is... once I'm the right way up, if I fall? I'll land on my head.

[By fall, of course, he meant fly directly up. By land, he meant crash into the ceiling.]


Re: Spam der_umgekehrte November 30 2011, 02:04:09 UTC
Hnn. We could tether you to something by the shoulders, but do you want to try to get a leg around that table leg while we consider options?

[And because he's already talking about tethering a man whose personal gravity has gone awry, he might as well stay ridiculous. To the nearest fairy, he adds:] Although the first option is of course you good souls letting him down, please and thank you.


Spam buywithme November 30 2011, 02:21:01 UTC
[The fairy made a great show of considering this suggestion, right up until Prefect tried to haul himself down far enough to wedge under the desk, and in the process, inadvertently headbutted the tiny thing.

The fairy responded with ire, flying directly into Prefect's face with tiny fists flailing, and while Prefect had been cautiously restrained about the fairies pulling on his hair, having one all up in his face was far too similar to being out in nature, with insects and bats attacking from all angles. Scrunching his eyes shut, Prefect made a high pitched and ongoing sound of distress, somewhat akin to a rape alarm going off.]


Re: Spam der_umgekehrte November 30 2011, 02:30:23 UTC
Oh hell, it's all right, neither of you are dying. He didn't mean it and he's sorry.

[Stildyne tries to interpose a hand between faerie and face.]

You're sorry, aren't you, comrade?

[Somewhere in his hindbrain that locker full of impossibilities and nonsense is starting to strain around the hinges.]


Re: Spam buywithme November 30 2011, 02:42:37 UTC
[THERE'S A HAND IN HIS FACE! THERE'S A HAND IN HIS FACE! Prefect stops making the rape alarm noise for a moment, and releases the table to focus on shoving all of the things that are in his face, away from his face.

Then he lurches somewhat predictably towards the ceiling, and lets out an additional yelp of panic, snatching at Stildyne's hand once again to anchor him to the floor.]

Aaaaah! Yes, yes! I'm sorry, I'm sorry!


Re: Spam der_umgekehrte November 30 2011, 03:00:03 UTC
[Stildyne's temper has abruptly been pushed to the edge: he grabs the faerie in one hand, Prefect's hand in the other. He still looks like a pretty little piece of someone's arm candy, but just for a moment he sounds like a drill sergeant.]

And that's about enough out of the pair of you miscreants! You'll straighten up sharp or I'll have you running laps until your legs fall off! You! Put him down and gently and not a scratch on his pretty head either! You! Take a breath and stop flapping!


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