Oct 31, 2007 01:26
I was supposed to catch up on work today, but it didn't happen. I have hella due dates between now and November 18. Seriously, Thanksgiving might as well be Christmas, with how many of my main class projects are due in two weeks, rather than in a month or slightly more at the end of the quarter. It feels like the fastest quarter ever, so far. No time for anything but the present and the very near future (except when I'm writing in LJ, right?).
Alex sent me this album and this song is addicting. I watched a few of their music videos on YouTube though, and they are so fucking hip that it's disgusting. The matching hipster mullet haircuts... well, it makes me feel very self-concious about liking this band.
I had my first midterm, in Portland Past and Present. It was in a format I wasn't expecting, so I don't know how much good my studying did, but I feel very confident that I did well. Here's an example: 1: You are Solomon Dirkel. You arrived in Portland in 1851 and set up shop running a general merchandise store on Front Street. It is now 1881. Your son, Jonathan, is attending college in New York now and is taking an American history class. As an assignment, he has asked you to send him a letter describing the changes you've seen in Portland since the time you arrived until now.
One A down, three to go.
P.S. - I asked Chet about the Morrison divisor thing, and he didn't know. He referred me to look up a book by Eugene Snyder about "the great renumbering" that happened in town (dunno when) as a start. I guess I have an extra homework assignment.