app; siren's pull

May 04, 2010 08:04

Character Information

Canon Source: Weiß Kreuz
Canon Format: Anime/Manga
Character's Name: Schuldig
Character's Age:22

What form will your character's NV take? It'll look like an iPhone because that's what all the cool kids use.

Character's Canon Abilities:

Is a very powerful telepath. That means, he can read your mind, alter your memories, visits your dreams; in the worst case scenario, control your actions as well. I'll put up a permissions post if/when I get into the game.

Extremely fast, great reflexes, can jump from building to building. Terrible aim with the gun though. Better than Farferello at aiming, but that's really not saying much.

Weapons: A gun (even if his aim is crap.)

Character History:

Ok, we know next to nothing about Schuldig's childhood. What we do know is that he is German, and at some time in his life, he was recruited by Eszett to train in an institute for the gifted, that is, people with preternatural powers. The institute, or Rosenkreuz, as it is called, is located in the Alps, near the Austrian border. And despite how Schuldig acts most of the time, he does have a healthy amount of fear for the place. One can only imagine what his training involves.

But he did graduate to become one of the best telepaths that Estet have, and was assigned to a group under a pre-cog called Brad Crawford. Their main job is to protect a Japanese politician named Takatori Reiji, do his dirty work, and help him come to power. In order for Eszett to control the world in the background, they'd need to have influences over the politicians in the world, and Takatori is just one of those that they have their hands on.

Schuldig later named the group 'Schwarz', after finding out about the existence of an assassin group called 'Weiß' that removes criminals that the law cannot touch. (Schwarz means black in German, and Weiß means white. Schuldig is amused by how a group of killers can call themselves the side of the white.) The name stuck after a while, and even Crawford began to introduce themselves as Schwarz. Probably out of convenience than anything else.

The way events unfold in the manga and TV series is slightly different. In the manga, Ran caught sight of Schuldig and Nagi near the explosion that killed his family. Schuldig revealed himself then, and wished Ran good luck for dealing with the survivor guilt. Ran later dreamt of Schuldig taunting him about killing in his sister's name, but whether the telepath really did visit Ran in his dreams, or the young man had merely conjured up Schuldig from his own guilty conscience, is up to debate.

There's a pretty decent write-up on his history here:

Point in Canon: Collapse of Eszett

Character Personality:

Schuldig is insane, for a lack of better words. Sure, he is not like Farferello who goes around licking knifes and killing nuns. But he does have his moments of insanity. Being a telepath, his powers allow him access into anybody's minds, and he does so with glee, plundering, twisting, manipulating, sometimes for no reason other than because he can. But the same powers also leave him vulnerable. He has revealed in canon that he sometimes cannot differentiate his thoughts from somebody else's, but that does not discourage him from using his powers. In fact, Schuldig seems to want to drive everybody around him as crazy as his powers are making him too, if only to distract himself from the fact that he is slowly but surely losing his own mind. On the other hand, he may be doing that just to see how far he can push the world into chaos. Watching the world burn amuses him, but like a cat, Schuldig prefers to play with his food, often taking indirect methods to achieve his means so that he can enjoy the process.

He is impulsive, cruel, he kills without remorse, lies like it's second nature, and feels no regret at his actions, even if said actions sometimes earn him a golf club to the face. He has no qualms about mocking anyone, his own teammates included. He mocks Nagi's desire to be loved, Farferello's obsession with God, Aya's need for vengeance - Schuldig laughs at other people's motivations because the only motivation that the telepath needs is amusement.

Other times, he prefers to sit around and observe, collecting information that he can use against others later. All in all, Schuldig is like a time bomb. You never know what will explode in your face next.

Character Plans: Mess with your head, mess with your head, mess with your head, annoy Nagi, mess with your head some more. Pretty much what he's been doing in canon too. :>


Writing Samples

First Person Sample

[the video comes on to display the image of a man with dark orange hair, smiling at the camera. his entire manner is relaxed, the generous smile on his face speaks of an easygoing nature. schuldig, after all, is an consummate actor]

Good day. I've just arrived and the Greeters have told me the basics. But this is a whole new ball game for me. Any information about well... [he shrugs] anything at all will be helpful.

[the following exchange takes place across the Schwarz phone line, or the telepathic link that Schuldig has canonically linked up the Schwarz members with, allowing them to have conversations without fear of being overheard or the transmission being intercepted.]

Yo, bishounen. Missed me?

Third Person Sample

The basic information about the place was not hard to find. After all, the Welcome Wagon, or the Greeters, whatever they were called, had given him the Cliff notes edition on the hows and the whys of the place. All that was left for Schuldig to do, of course, was to verify that information for himself.

Lying back down on the bed, the telepath relaxed, making himself comfortable as he sent out his mental tendrils through the city, silently and subtly probing at minds. Some were like open books, easy to read. The others were a little trickier, more similar to a certain Irish albino teammate of his, with thought processes so convoluted that he was surprised they could even tell left from right. Then there were some that had significantly strong mental shields, that which Schuldig could recognize as belonging to other telepaths.

"Home sweet home," he murmured under his breath, his thin lips curled into a sneer. No, Schuldig had not missed the similarities between this place and Rosenkreuz. A bunch of people with supernatural powers - the only exception was that this cage was bigger. And of course - the smirk on his face grew wider - more interesting. Some of these flies had no such powers until they arrived here. How would they abuse their newfound abilities? Or will they whimper? Or perhaps, they might naively try to find a way to make this city their home away from home.

Schuldig licked his lips. This would amuse him for a while.
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