Jul 31, 2015 11:57

Suggestions, issues about my characterisation/playing, something else entirely or you simply need to contact me?

Then you can e-mail me or comment here. My mail address can be found here. I won't bite, I promise. <3

Anonymous enabled too! But if you're going anon, I'd appreciate it if you check back so I can ask things/we can discuss the issue.
Comments no longer get screened, btw. I figured, if I allow anon, I don't think you can actually see your own comment or reply to it. So it's either anon or screening.

Also, an explanation why I won't have her say something like: "ja, zhat is very gut." If it doesn't matter to you, skip this.

-First, it simply makes the text unreadable.

-Second, replacing all THs with ZHs and all Ws with Vs - a German accent DOES NOT WORK LIKE THAT. Sure, we are more likely to pronounce the "th" like "s", but just replacing every W with V? HELL NO.

-Third, why would she be able to speak complicated English sentences and then just drop a "gut" in or something? It's illogical. There'd be more grammar errors than random German words.

So, you'll see me throw in an "ähm/äh" instead of "uhm"/"umm", but with the rest you just have to pretend that she sounds German-ish.
That's my reasoning. After that is out of the way, feel free to comment and tell me anything~.


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