Entry: 18 [Action]: Imprisonment and Escape?

Dec 03, 2009 21:13

[Off Network // Action]

[Sitting on the ground and leaning against the wall, Rip tried to ignore it. She knew they were not real, she knew there were no creeping shadows in the room, no eyes opened out of nothing--

When she closed her eyes, it didn't get much better. Free of any of reality's bonds, blood and fire, candles and a chainsaw, acid, a brush and Hellsing's emblem, it all swirled into one. Single images of her memories, combined with more horror that had happened at another time - or had it? She was not sure - turning to flames. And again the shadowy eyes, looking at her,

watching her.

Samiel, Samiel, didn't you get enough of Kaspar's blood?

A whimper. Rip opened her eyes again, exhausted from the nightmares.]

[ooc: Sorry, still no network device. :/ This is a post for various comment!log things during her second imprisonement~, mostly for Road and Lorne (bzw. the Angel-Crew in general).

Thread timeline:
[3th]: Lorne's visit.
[4th]: Road appearing in her nightmares.]

being oppressed, samiel is to blame, !plot plot plot, won't tell you about the nightmares, plot : millennium#1, hunted by memories, what have you done to me

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