Entry: 6; [female!voice]

Aug 17, 2009 19:11

The last days have been nicely relaxing, for a change.

[Private filter to Luke Valentine // Unhackable]

The lack of money is getting bothersome, bullets and the like do not buy themselves - but, of course, I do not wish to get myself into any arrangements conflicting with Millennium either. Do you have another of your useful little suggestions for this?


[Despite this problem she's in a cheerful mood and can't stop herself from singing--]

Mag Fortunas Kugel rollen;
Wer sich höh'rer Kraft bewußt,
Trotzt dem Wechsel und Verlust!

[The rest is only humed and becomes fainter as she moves away from the device.]

[ooc: If you like to, you can pretend the song got translated, which would be roughly something like this:
"May the Wheel of Fortune turn; / They who know of higher power, / Resist the change and the loss!" ...And pretend it rhymes.]

subj : luke the advisor, all is well, innocent rip is innocent, spamming you with freischütz lyrics, shooting things makes you calm, but i already have a job!, hear me sing, quiet before the storm, need moar money

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