Nov 22, 2006 10:49
The reality has just sunk in.
I will not be getting a Wii for Christmas.
In my naivety I assumed "oh there will be plenty of them floating around, I will just wait until after the commotion dies down."
What a fool I've been - they have already sold 700,000 and only 300,000 more will be available before Christmas. You might think this is not that big of a deal, but oh, it is.
I'm trying to convince "Santa" to get one off EBay but he is technologically challenged and a little put-off at the prospect of paying $400 from eBay when I had previously assured him that a Wii would only be $250.
Woe, freakin woe.
Yesterday I went out and got Bully and Tony Hawk's Project 8 for my good old Ps2 (remember those?)
I'm disappointed with Project 8, because it looks like shit and I expected more because all the commercials are beautiful. I'm sure all the rich kids with their new Ps3's on their HDTVs think Pro8 looks spectacular. But on my $200 Fred Meyer TV... I got nothin.
Bully is fantastic. I am addicted already. I'm really bad at these kinds of games (i.e. GTA series) so I mostly just make the kid go to class every day on time and then wander around talking to people until 7pm, at which point I make him go to sleep. He is not really much of a bully, as you can see.
It would make the game even cooler if it were like Fable, and the random stuff you do makes you more of a jock/nerd/prep etc. Because my guy SHOULD be losing serious coolpoints for being in class on time and in bed every night by dark. But there are no consequences that I have yet to see.
Suffice to say, neither my obsession with the Wii, nor playing Bully all night, nor lamenting over the weak graphics of my Ps2 have served to distract me from the fact that exactly one year ago at this precise time I was driving to the airport to pick up Jenny. Just like now, I was staring at the clock waiting for time to pass. Only then I actually had something to look forward to - now I'm just wanting each minute to go by so I know I got through it. u2iurhefjefijefefiedjweiodjerifefenjjfgSMASHpfdjnfefdkwjdfnsknj