All is According to Plan!

Oct 30, 2006 21:28

Just now in my head, I made up a list of goals. I would like to pretend like I made up this list 5 years ago, so that I could say "my evil plans are being carried out before my EYEEEEEEEESSSS!!" but this is not the case.
Let's pretend it is.
Catherine's Life Goals:
1. Reese Witherspoon and Ryan Phillippe split-up, encouraging Sarah Michelle Gellar Prinze Jr. and Freddie to re-evaluate their relationship
2. The following quote appears in People magazine: "They were our rock!" Freddie Prinze Jr. explains, over a highball of scotch. "We looked to them as encouragement for the future, knowing that no problem was too big for Reese and Ryan. Now... now I just have no faith at all."
3. Sarah Michelle Gellar reveals that she has plenty of faith.
4. Everyone is believing that SMG meant she had faith. But she actually meant Faith.
5. SMG has plenty of Faith. Over. And over.
6. And over.
7. And over again.
8. Videotape released.
9. My life is complete.

At a bitchin kickass party this weekend (you suck if you weren't there) Angela's roomie Anna (she's German, don't believe her LIES!) said to me: "Buffy? Come on! Quit it with the Buffy! Buffy is OVER, it was over years ago! You are living in the past!"
I proceeded to curl into a fetal position and cover my ears, crying softly. Buffy is not over! NEVERRRRRRRR!
I can only hope that either Anna did not mean it, or she was trying to speak while in character of her costume. Because, it makes sense that a Saudi Arabian ghost would believe Buffy is all over, they have been the afterlife for quite some time and disoriented after coming to America. Perhaps the negative comments she made about Wal-Mart were also in character. Yes, that makes perfect sense, because Wal-Mart is like a breath of fresh air on our blisteringly greedy economy.

me being an absolute genius, eliza dushku

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