Title: Fairytales
Fandom: Supernatural/Grey's Anatomy
Pairing/Character: Dean Winchester/Izzie Stevens
Spoilers/Warnings: Grey's Anatomy: 3x01.
Disclaimer: Not mine. ;/
Word Count: 3024.
Rating: PG.
Summary: It isn't Meredith who helps Izzie realise she's not alone.
Notes: This is the result of seeing some icons with text on it that cause you to
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I'm not too sure if there will be another chapter. I had intended this to be a cheesy one-shot (:p), but I might do an AU series of season three of GA, and just add our favourite SPN boys - and a few twists. *shrugs* XD.
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So, yeah, I'll try. I kind of got a Dean/Izzie in my head from SPN's 'Crossroad Blues'. XP.
For you, I'll kick myself in the rear and pull my hair in order to think of a plot and how to twist some episodes. ;)
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