Jun 22, 2006 15:13
I was flipping through my CD case today at work, looking for something new to pop in the disc drive to listen to while working when I came across a blank CD. I imagine that when I initially put it in there, I knew what it was, but this morning I definitely couldn't remember--so I put it in. It was my wedding CD! Awwww!!! I haven't listened to it in almost a year, which means Steve and I have almost been married for a year, a fact that has popped up in my face frequently the past couple weeks.
::Happy Sigh::
A friend said to me last week, "Chris, you have a very stable life," and I realized she's right. Generally speaking, Steve and I have little to no issues. Granted, we have our differences at times and we're not rolling in my money, but at least we're able to work through those differences and pay our bills (and have play money leftover). I feel very fortunate to be able to say that--and to be able to say I truly have an amazing marriage. I have a husband who works hard to ensure we have bread on the table every night, who strives to better himself for the sake of our family, who finishes cooking dinner and does the dishes when I have an awful headache, who thanks me for the effort I put into our life together--even with the little things, who apologizes when he's wrong and makes a genuine effort to improve, who accepts my apologies without belittling me, who understands me and responds to me effectively, and who makes me fall in love with him over and over again every day. The list could go on and on...(Please excuse the bragging, but yes, it's entirely necessary.)
But anyway, after my friend made that comment, I brought it up to Steve that night and it sparked a conversation on our first year as newlyweds--and the fact that we started dating about five years ago. A lot of people have told us that the first year of marriage is the hardest, filled with constant money troubles and frequent quibbles over silly things. And we realized that in all honesty, that is definitely not how we would describe our first twelve months together as man and wife. If this was supposed to be the hardest year, I'm excited to see how much easier it gets from here on out. It's nice to be able to say that. I also realize that our marriage is so strong because we have founded it on God, and are consistently trying to honor him in our relationship to each other, other people, through our money, etc. (Not that we always succeed--I know the times we have been upset with each other have been a result of selfish perspectives.)
Ironically, my Quote-of-the-Day calendar had this to say for June 22: "We know Scripture tells us marriage was instituted by God, and not just for the purpose of procreation. God said it isn't good for man to be alone. Eve was created to be a soul mate and companion for Adam. God puts a premium on interrelatedness; he wanted Eve to share the fulfillment of mutuality in relationship. They were to be of one mind, body and soul." Marilyn Meberg. Let me tell you, folks, that woman is absolutely correct. God designed it that way, and when you follow those guidelines, seeking to be part of a team, to be of one mind, body and soul, seeking to enrich the other--IT WORKS!
So yah. I'm thankful. Thought I'd share :)