Discovering the internet

Apr 20, 2007 22:51

Sparing others and to be brief, as to today's events I say: The course of true love never did run smooth. I see even Willy took that line and wrote it into a play. I took the adivce of a few and found that it appeares the Prince and I have... TIME TRAVELED from the Verona of my time! Astounding! Which means that all of William Shakespeare's plays, as I know him him as Willy, in fact were written onto my event and many others. SCOUNDROL HE STOLE MY SPEECHES! My words! My beauty! O calm, dishounorable, and vile submission!! On the other hand, that does mean Willy managed it finish a play, so good for him. I shall have to speak to him of that later.

Today I.. sang with a witch (not one of my smartest ideas but the wine was good) and learned about the internet. This is the best way I have ever seen Lord Hamlet's situation summed up. Though I'm not too fond of the internet, seems like a device best used for porn and checking one's taxes.
I'm already growing fonder of this school and the interesting people within it, nothing is ever dull!
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