Jan 22, 2006 11:42
Living life can be compared to a baby learning to walk. It's a slow process that might have to be restarted one or two or in some cases more times, but we must first learn to craw. When we craw. we are on our knees. and lacking to support or self-confidence to stand up on two feet. In order to find this strenght to stand up we look for trust. trust in ourselves or trust in others. We just want to have the trust so can feel safe and the support of ourselves and others. Then we get to this point where we pull ourselves up. If you have ever watched a baby stand up for the first time he will usually pull himself up on a chair or something of that sort. Thats were the trust we are looking for comes in. We use this trust that we are looking for to pull ourselves up. Sometimes the trust isn't there or isn't strong enough. So we fall. as we all know when we fall it's going to hurt. but we learn from our failure and need to try again. it's harder to try each time but when we finally stand up it's one of the greatest feelings you can experience. One a baby stands he feels accomplished. he will stand up all the time but after awhile the baby will take the first step. We two must take our first step. This might be the hardest part of the whole process. In order to take our first step we not only need this trust that we are looking for. but this is the point were we are seeking the love and support of others. This is were we will get hurt the most and make our mistakes, but again it's part of the process. you need to fall and learn why you fell. Once we take our first step we will take another and another. and so on. As we walk and find love there may be some rocks on the ground that will try to trip you up. sometimes we will fall other time's we will just move these stumbling stones out of the way and continue on our way. Through our journeys we will come across several stumbling stones. and with the right love from the right people we can catch our balence before we fall........
this may not make since to anyone else but it make since to me so there you have it.