Oct 29, 2008 01:36
I had a really great weekend. It is official amherst could eat my school. But I dunno, i like the small school thing but boy i could go for that cafeteria! AMAZING!
Got to hang out with christina a ton! That was pretty fun. It was nice just enjoying my time and talking with her. It felt so nice taking pictures, walking and talking, some times serious, sometimes not so much. Sometimes it's nice to know there is someone far away who can talk to and you know they won't share your secrets with the rest of the world. There is a great sense of comfort in that. I also got to know Allen a little more and I have to say i really like him. He's a really nice kid once you get past the sarcastic humor! lol We played katamari a lot. we were pretty even :D
Saw aims too. she looks great. brett said they had a good weekend. So that's good to hear! :D
Anyway, I should be going to bed soon. So much work to do tomorrow. Kind of frustrated with other events of my life right now. frustrated with people who hurt other people. makes me want to run a rusty stake through their heads.
Feels like halloween eh?