I look back on my life and can't believe how much I've changed. Here's an update: I grew up, moved to Portland, OR. I go to the Portland Actors Conservatory. I work at BJ's restaurant and brewery. I have a dog named Yoshi. Still single but I love it more than I ever have. I feel more adult than I ever have been.
So here's the deal: I am going to start using this journal again since this is a very important part of my life. I finally feel like I fit in. I have found where I am supposed to be. I am thinking about selling my car and getting an electric motorcycle. I already have a bike but this would be so much cheaper by not having to pay for gas. I feel extremely adult not. If I end up getting it, I will probably offer to pay my own insurance. I got my birth certificate, my Oregon drivers license, and will soon have my social security card. I am just ready to be working as an actor.
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