why me?

Jul 17, 2005 15:39

So I got my permit taken away from me....because my mom thinks that I stole her car..yea thatd be the day what does she think that I am stupid?(no comments from the peanut gallery thank you!)well here is what happened.... I called my dad and asked if we could go and get Jazz and he argued with me and said no so i hung up the phone and called Julie and asked her if she would do it and she said let me see...when i got off the phone with her I called my dad again to tell him that mom said that my brother could take it and so I could take his car...he said he had no gas in his car and hung up...then a few minutes later he called back and said we are going to take your moms car..I told him that mom said I coulnt take the car and he started bitching and yelling at me saying just do what I say! so I really had no choice since Im tired of being yelled at by him and above all being called names that no one should ever call their kids. Any who I took the car and went to richmond to pick her up and then dropped it off at my brothers work and picked up my dads car and then I went out with Julie and Jazz.When I got back my mom was giving me "the look" from the front door that told me I was in trouble... She yelled at me and then took it away while in the meantime Jazz was gonna be late for home because Julie was taking her and they stayed to make sure I was ok..well they called and told her parents waht happened and they flipped and thought I stole the car and now once again Im back to not being able to see her...which brings me to a question..why me?
Any ways on another note I am almost done with summer school and Im pulling an A and a B (the A is in science!!) so I will be a senior this year!! and graduated by next year! plus my mom has been driving me nuts with this camping trip that we are going on in August and its 3 weeks away! shes been talking about it for months now and I cant wait till its over and done...Im also going horseback riding sometime soon (we will find out a date a week from wednsday)which gives me an idea...why not use live journal to update the crew on our events? better call tony and ask him! got to run!
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