We need to stop violence against people that are not affecting us.
It pains me to see my friends under constant violence in 2016.
Having a best friend who is transgender helped me understand what the hell she goes through on a daily basis when one day she finally broke down to me.
It was horrible... the viscious threats from people who didn't even know her and the emotional trauma she endured on a day to day basis.
I knew something had to be done so I took her to get Speech Therapy, to find her voice that she wanted so bad.
Read below if you wish to see the magic they do!
Transgender Individuals Find Their Voice With Help From Speech Therapy
For transgender people changing their voices is one of the most important things in their lives. For some hormone treatment works well, but this is usually a better option for transgender men. According to Caroline Temmermand, a transgender woman, changing a voice can be for personal comfort. The reason why she changed her voice was because she wanted to not be noticed in public as a transgender person. When she goes out with her family she wants to be recognized as a woman, so the science behind transgender voice change changed her life. Timmermand also claimed that an additional motivation of voice change for transgender people can be fear of being seen to others as transgender. Many transgender people experience hate -motivated violence. The National Coalition of Anti-Violence Programs reported that from 2013 to 2014 violence against transgender people rose by 13%. Brianna Stryker, another transgender woman, reported that she changed her voice due to the fact that she wanted to be recognized as a transgender woman and never be second-guessed by anyone.
Creating a voice
For every person voice change is different. Every person is different so changing their voice is like a subscription for medicine; not everyone needs the same type of medicine or the dosage may differ from person to person. Some people may need hormone therapy while others may need simple exercises and throat massages. In the early 2000s most transgendered people who went in for therapy were mostly middle aged, but today there are a lot of teenagers receiving it. The teenagers who receive voice therapy are accompanied by their parents. The only problem with transgender voice therapy is that it is very costly and out-of-reach for most transgendered people. Voice change for transgendered people is a serious transformation in their lives and it can be a change that betters their lives.
The aforementioned information was provided by
Transgender Voice Therapy. We strive to give transgendered people the help they need in order for them to live their lives the way they want to.