umm YEA!

Dec 21, 2003 02:37

t0daY waS b0rinG.. . i g0t f0od thEn sTayeD h0mE aLL fRiggEn daY! thEn aT liKe 7 bRiAnA caMe 0veR anD we HuNg 0uT uNtiL liKe 10isH thEn WeNt 0uTsiDE wItH shAnE aNd thReW r0ckS aT caRs 0n thE fReeWAy thEn mY m0m g0t uS taC0beLL! aFTEr thAt wE weNt iNsiDE aT liKe 11 cUz wE weRe aLL frEEZinG anD mY m0m haD a LiL to0 muCh aCh0le anD wAs pHysk0 wHen wE caMe iN!! aFtEr wE g0t d0nE haNginG 0uT wiTh mY m0m wE weNt 0n THe c0mpuTeR anD wAtcHed stuFF 0n thE c0mpuTeR anD brIanA feLL asLeeP anD i wAs taLkinG t0 mAtt ab0uT d0gS anD thE siTe wE weRe 0n!! n0w i Am waTchInG muSiC viDe0s 0n thE c0mpuTeR, s0nG plAyiNg n0w: s0mEdaY bY niKLebaCk. sHaNEs faV0ritE s0nG, n0t! yEsTeRdaY waS j0rDan anD riChiEs bDaY!! anD iN 6 daYs iTs miNE!!!! iLL bE thE biG 0nE thReE!! caNt y0u teLL iM hyPeR!! jUsT liKe yEstErdaY whEn i kn0ckEd d0wn eVerYthiNG iN fRyS!!! anD whEn taYl0r kn0cKeD d0wn eVeRYthinG iN bl0ck bUstER afTeR mE n bRiTTanY g0t d0nE bEinG thE BEST tEAcHerS iN dA w0rlD! daMn frIdaY waS awEs0mE!!! plaYinG wiTh aLL 0F 0uR ph0neS! mInE n cHaSeS ph0nEs aRe thE bEsT cUz thEy'RE thE saME hEhE!!! n0w thAt gawY s0nG d0nt kn0 whY iS 0n i d0nT reALLY caRe wh0 siNGs iT! uH 0oh, n0w tHiS l0vE bY mAro0n 5 iS 0n! yIkEs! wAItIng f0r thE nExT s0nG! BLURGH!!!!! sCreW iT iM 0uT!

I LOVE JAKE DZIUBCZYNSKI !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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