An interesting turn

Aug 28, 2005 09:56

So it is Sunday and i have to go to church *sigh* oh well, These past few days have been great, hanging out with Marine,Will,and Jacky just chilling and what not. The other night though i was on msn talking to some people and one of the people from church camp came online and i was all like "blah ok whatever" didn't care too much about it, then she msg's me and is like "MATT i like you lets go out,be my boyfriend" some shit along them lines. I was totally shocked to shit, my eyes nearly leaving their sockets when i read this. I reply "hey umm your drunk you do not like me" cause one of the first things she said was that she was tanked, then we got into a huge fight bout how she likes me but i like someone else and she was like no matt i wanna be with you and shit, on any normaly ocasion i would of been like "WHOA someone likes me" but right now im very interested in my friend Marine, and im not about to fuck up my chances with her by going out with someone who is 15 from fucken church camp.

Marine is awesome, she makes me smile,laugh, and just is great fun to talk to. She like piercings, and i can talk to her face to face about piercings where as with alot of my friends could care less about them.
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