Mar 12, 2005 22:50
Well today was ODD and a half i woke up this morning in my living room with the tv one cuase i was watching lord of the rings last night and fell asleep watching it and from then on my day has been pretty crappy. This girl i know Brandi told me she realy likes me but she just wants to have sex with me i think :S and also she wanted me to call her and i said i couldn't cause it was long distance and my parents are pricks and i also dont like talking on the phone as many people might know. So she got upset and said i was making up excuses and blah blah blah. So i stoped talking to her and just stoped caring. I told her i hate the idea of meaningless sex! but my day goes on, Ive been thinking alot bout guitar playing, singing, and being in a band. Oh well ive also been thinking alot bout my future.... how im gonna move out for university find me a job in a piercing parlor and other stuff i lost my train of thought:S oh well reading, writing and maybe even maken a comic book with my friend Devin which would be awesome cause i could see that happening