Epic Ragefire Chasm Raid + Thoughts on Patch 3.1

Apr 15, 2009 00:16

Today I went to RFC on my low level priest.

We progressed through the instance fast. The warlock's voidwalker was tanking.
However we came across several problems.

The first problem was the voidwalker was a little defective. It disappeared out of sight for a good ten minutes while we were drinking and wondering where the voidwalker went. It appeared to be doing fine at 100% health. After a while (and allowing the lock to get another soul shard) the lock re-summoned the voidwalker. Suddenly, around 10 or so mobs rush round the corner and start attacking us. It was pretty funny if you were there, at least we knew where the voidwalker was.

So we set off again to go beat a mini-boss (you know the one near the Tauren corpse). As we are buffing up just at the doorway, i see an axe (thrown by a rogue, although he was not aware of it) hit a Trogg on the other platform. This Trogg imediatly sets out to come and kill us, they only problem is, that to get to us, it must walk a long way around the instance. Not only that, but every Trogg it meets on the way (there are lots) it will bring with it.

Only me and a Mage saw this. I yell "WAIT", but it is too late, they have gone and entered the boss fight. The Mage, who saw, says a few cuss words as I inform the raid they we will soon be wiped by an ambush of 20 or so Troggs. I try to frantically heal, bearing some hope that an outright miracle will happen and we will stay alive. Sure enough, around then a mob of Troggs sprints up the ramp. First they kill the Mage, then me, then they enter the doorway and kill everyone else. The rest of the group is shouting things along the lines of "WTF HAPPENED?" Meanwhile, I am laughing my ass off and the mage is saying "That fucking rogue."

The rest of the raid goes pretty smoothly. We kill all the bosses. Hell, I dont even heal, i just wanded them to death.

Halfway through raiding Wailing Caverns, the WoW servers shut down. Patch 3.1 is here and i am rather excited about it.

I have no fucking idea where i am downloading the patch from. As it is taking a long time. And since it was released an hour or so ago, there are no mirrors for it as of yet.

Patch 3.1 brings swimming mounts. Our land mounts become, not so much land mounts, as they can now swim. Can you imagine, a Saber swimming through the water, or an Elekk? I dont think my end-game Priest's Talbuk is going to like getting its fur wet.

DUEL SPECS! This is what my Shaman has been waiting for. You see I like enhancement spec. Its pretty cool. I hate respeccing. But i got a horde of healer gear for when my Priest-y habits come back. So now i can be a competent healer at the click of a button? And still be enhancement when i feel? Whats the catch?

1000g right. Aw well, gold sinks are not a bad thing, we need them.

I am also looking forward to the new talent and spell changes. It looks like my priest will finally be going deep Holy, as less points are needed in Disp. You know what i mean by 'needed'. Especially since now i wont go far into disp, i wont be tempted to spec the other tasty talents which are down there.

So really im bored as hell. My Patch is still at 7% completed. I'm thinking about just going to bed and finding a mirror in the morning. It's kinda sad talking about an epic RFC raid, cause you go there like once when your like level 14 or whatever.
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