another annoying professor moment.

Sep 26, 2006 15:58

I can't stand McVey... she is my professor for two classes and my advisor and I can't stand her. She makes fun of me and my classmates for liking lectures as well as group work. She makes us feel like shit. She told Chris he shouldn't be a teacher, she tells us we'll all be burnt out and now today she made yet another wonderful comment.

We did this jigsaw group work and she didn't fully explain what we were to do, so the whole class was anxious and she gave us no directions. So Jon and Megan asked her, because they were anxious and she looked at them and said "you better put a cap on that anxiety" and then she looked at Megan and said "you know, they have medicine for that"... which I thought was completely uncalled for and when Megan told me she said that, I was so mad! I can't stand her. I really think she is rude and she has such a horrible outlook on us and teaching. Its horrible!

in other news, I think it's funny that 3 months ago I was meeting Walt for the first time, which my mom told me to meet him. I was on the fence about it, but she said not to be mean, so I went out with him... however at the time I just wasn't into a relationship, though we have a laid back relationship, which is awesome, we see each other whenever we both have time, and I can do my own thing and he does his own thing, so that I don't have to worry about juggling him and my friends. So its pretty nice, I was just worried he'd want to be with me all the time and I don't want that, I like my alone time away from the guy I am dated, otherwise I get tired of that person, as horrible as it sounds, but it becomes too routine. I end up getting annoyed easily. I like to be independent and so I need someone who is ok with me not wanting to spend every minute with them. Walts ok with it, so its good. Though some days he starts missing me and will ask to come by. But overall, I can do my own thing.

anyway. I am frustrated and have to see McVey again in 2 hours, ick. I have to finish up the work for her class now. I am so mad though.

classes, walt, music

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