hmm, dream

May 11, 2006 10:42

I had the weirdest dream last night... I was on this ferry boat with all my extended family, and because everyone was standing up and you could hardly move, my brilliant plan was have everyone line up around the edges of the boat and sit down so we could play the wonderball... and I was singing the tune and as I was walking up and down the line of family, I saw my Aunt Nancy... who passed away last year... sitting on the boat and I ran and hugged her and started crying and telling her how much I missed her and how I don't want to be without her anymore because nothing makes sense anymore. And I was just so excited she was there and so happy because I miss her like crazy. Then I woke up, which was depressing, because reality sucks some times... and she's not here in reality... but I do miss her like crazy and nothing does make sense anymore.

But yeah, so I miss my Aunt Nancy.

I have an exam at 1pm, last exam. After the exam I am driving back to Barrington till like 10pm and then driving back to Newport for the night and Friday I am packing the room up and heading home for good... how sad... I'll miss it here for the summer... but I am 45 minutes away.

Eh, ok, I am off to read 5 chapters before my exam.

great aunt, classes, dream

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