Aug 04, 2005 23:05
Tie Domi is not a penguin.. thank you god
crosby on tonight.. exciting stuff
research a white skunk right now with black markings on its face.. its a drawing I have been asked to do.. I love people asking me to draw stuff.. keeps me busy... lol... I am going to buy a painting canvas this weekend maybe so I can paint.. I really miss it... a lot... and I am going to start drawing lots again, because I stopped for like a month and I don't know why..
I have decided I am most definately going to travel to Scotland.. just have to figure out the when.. but I have decided that I seriously want to go.. so I am going to.
I did some research on Duchennes Musclar Dystrophy.. since two of my cousins have it.. and they are starting a gene theraphy trial in the fall, and I hope they can find a cure.. or a way to slow the process... since my older cousin with the disease is getting older, a cure would be nice right about now..
I feel guilty about not going to the children's crusade interview.. but the car died.. so its not my fault, but I hate to think she was waiting for me and I never showed up and stuff.. I feel bad...
so my friend calls me the pig lady now.. because I jokingly told him I was moving in with him so I can have a pig and we got into a whole conversation and now he calls me the pig lady... kind of like the cat lady, right? I can be teh crazy old pig lady when I get old.. something to shoot for..
speaking of getting old.. next month I'll be 20 and that means that I'll be 20.. so that will be interesting.. me being 20, what fun.. though 20 means nothing here... since 21 is the ideal age to do lots.. though I don't drink.. so it doesn't matter... I am such a dork...
well, yeah so I think I updated enough today, huh? making you all sick of me and what not.. so I am off to watch Sidney Crosby and read and then sleep.. which I have trouble doing and my aunt thinks I have ADD because I have symptoms of it.. but my theory is I don't have ADD... and not like I'd get offically tested anyway... remember.. I don't have health insurance.. go me!!!!