Oct 09, 2004 13:39
i kinda abandoned live journal for a while...o well
this week has seemed like a year...nothing out of the ordanary. im still going to tell you about it anyway
went over ed's casa on thursday night with bob and sarah... the plan was to walk to the "magic hole" in her woods, and relive those super childhood memories. some times i wish i was still in like second grade...nothing to worry about, and everything was alot less complicated. anyway we got a bout 10 feet from her door, sarah said she "saw" something and so we all went scraming back into the house...we are such queers. we tried again though,armed with tennis raquets, and fake snow haha. we made it to the field before we got scared and ran screaming all the way down 106 back to ed's house. someone honked.... it still leaves me in a quizzical state.
we tryed our hand at cooking. we made a deep-dish pancake for sarah to give to mike. we made blue frosting with sugar and maple syrup which was totally swank because i love blue food coloring, except when it stained our teeth. mike actually ate it which was rad.
i went for a walk in the woods today it was quiet and nice because i could just walk and think. then i swept the floor because im a nerd
maybe do something tonight? idunno maybe i will just stay home and be lazy