(no subject)

May 11, 2006 11:35

I really regret choosing to do TEE, its so hard, and all the teachers expect so much from you. I thought year 11 was intense, well i had no idea... Mrs Mac is meant to be tutoring me, but she is so annoying, she sets me extra homework, and makes my finish my essays like, a week early, which is good in a way, but it puts so much more pressure on me to get things done. Today my english essay was due, so i handed it in to Mr Hughs, and Mrs Mac after was like, can i have a copy of it? and i was like.... umm ive handed it in, and she was like... print me off another copy... i was like WTF, leave me alone you stupid woman, and when i hadnt given her a copy of it a week early, she rang my mum... and those of you who know my mum can imagine what that sparked at home... Teachers dont get how our parents react to their stupid phone calls and concern nots, in my house, that pretty much means mum isnt going to let me out at all for like a month, which isnt really a change cos i dont have a social life in the first place because of her, i mean, i have been out about 4 times to parties over the last 5months... and the other day i went to one, which was awesome, but then when i said i felt tired mum was lik e"well, thats it, no more social life!" i was like "ok WHAT FUCKING SOCIAL LIFE ARE YOU INTENDING ON TAKING AWAY FROM ME!!!"... fucking bitch.... she thinks having a social life is like.. catching up with Luke on the weekend, well, i dont know about anyone else, but i personally dont consider hanging out with a long time family friend thats 14 a social life!!! I cant wait till this year is over... 195 days till leavers ppl... including holidays and exams ppl !! Cant wait.... and not just cos ill be hanging out with the guy i intend on marrying, but to be actually away from my mother for that amount of time will be so good, i hate her so much, she just doesnt get it. ARGH...... And Mrs bloody Winnal, or how ever the fuck you spell her name, hates me, well i dont care cos she sounds like she should be on the Discovery Channel or something, but omg, she doesnt have to hold a permanent fucking grudge against me.


I hate year 12
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