Year in Review - Part 2 (Favorites)

Jan 01, 2011 15:08

So, as I predicted earlier, I'm bored now so I thought I do a little more recapping of 2010.  It seems appropriate as it's New Years, anyway.   Since things like music, tv, movies, and books mean so much in my life (sadly), I thought I'd reminisce about my favorites of these things from 2010 (or that I watched/read/listened to/discovered/whatever in 2010).

Top 25 Most Played Songs:
1. Dream is Collapsing - Hans Zimmer (Inception)
2. The Chain - Ingrid Michaelson (thanks Rach)
3. 9 Crimes - Damien Rice (thanks Christina)
4. The Tribunal - Nathan Barr (True Blood)
5. Wagon Wheel - Old Crow Medicine Show (thanks Rachel again)
6. I Never Woke Up in Handcuffs Before - Hans Zimmer (Sherlock Holmes)
7. Dog Days are Over - Florence + The Machine
8. Mombasa - Hans Zimmer (Inception)
9. The Prince of Parties - Flight of the Conchords
10. Mercy - Duffy
11. Yerbatero - Juanes
12. Toxic - Britney Spears (I'm not proud......blame Glee)
13. Paralyzer - Finger Eleven
14. Opening Titles - Rob Lane (John Motherfucking Adams)
15. El Tango de Roxanne - Moulin Rouge
16. Elephant - Damien Rice
17. You Spin My Round (Like a Record) - Dead or Alive
18. Kyrie for the Magdalene - Hans Zimmer (Da Vinci Code)
19. Chevaliers de Sangreal - Hans Zimmer (Da Vinci Code)
20. Logan Through Time - Harry Gregson-Williams (Wolverine)
21. Grieve to Grave to Groove - Nathan Barr (True Blood)
22. Adamantium - Harry Gregson-Williams (Wolverine)
23. Bill and Sookie Together - Nathan Barr (True Blood)
24. Driving with the Top Down - Ramin Djawadi (Iron Man)
25. Coconut Skins - Damien Rice

Quite the ecclectic mix'll be interesting to see what changes for 2011.

Favorite Song of 2010: Dream is Collapsing
I listen to it all the freakin' time.  Seriously.

Favorite Album: Inception
Brilliant.  absolutely amazing.  I just re-discovered a bunch of new tracks that I love.  Hans is my hero.

Favorite Movie: Inception
Gaaaaaaaaaaaaah why don't I have  this on DVD yet whyyyyyyy

Favorite TV Show: LOST
Although I won't be able to say that anymore :(.  I'm sure it will stay my favorite show, but I just can't quite believe that it won't be coming back in a few weeks.  This final season was amazing though.  It was one of those that I was pissed off while I was watching it, but after looking back I love it.  Why couldn't Lost just go on forever?

Favorite Episode of a TV Show: The End (Lost)
Yeah.  Don't really have to explain myself for this one.  Although, the season finale of Grey's Anatomy last season (with the shooting) was amazingly good.

Favorite New TV Show: Psych
This one was hard, because there were so many shows I discovered thanks to Netflicks watch instantly this summer...Buffy, Pushing Daisies, Leverage, Covert Affairs....but even though Psych is the one I watched the most recently, it is definetly my favorite.  It might have even made it into my list of favorite shows ever.  It's so much better than a regular cable tv show.  I wish I could be watching it right now.

Favorite Book: The Gathering Storm  - Robert Jordan and Brandon Sanderson
WHEEL OF TIIIIIME.  Although technically this book came out in 2009, I read it in 2010 so I'm counting it.  Like Lost, WoT has been such a big part of my life that I can't believe that there is only ONE MORE BOOK. GNAGGGGH.  It is like my entire world is ending.

Favorite Fandom/Fanfiction: Merlin - Arthur/Merlin
Gnagh.  This one was REALLY hard, because I have read a lot of lovely fanfiction in 2010.  Early 2010,  I revisited the amazingness that is Star Trek fic (Bones/Jim), and then I had a brief stint where I went nuts over Sherlock Holmes/Watson, and then of course there was my Inception Arthur/Eames 3 month freakout.  But, Merlin fic, since it's based on a TV show rather than a movie, is pretty continuous and keeps coming, where as other fandoms have died off somewhat.  I also have been obsessed with it and come back to it about 3 times this year, so it wins out.  Although, to be honest, Arthur/Eames came realllllllly close.  There is some good shit in that fandom.

Perhaps I'll continue later with a sort of nostalgic look back on what actually happened in 2010....or not.  We'll see how interesting my Sims are.  (Late night is amazing.  I have a butler named Barnaby.)

year in review, winter 2011, psych, hans zimmer, merlin, the sims, lost, wheel of time, fanfiction, inception

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