Name: Courtney
Age: 21
Character Stamped As: Ichabod Crane
Relationship Crap
1) What do you look for in a significant other? Someone that I can trust to be there for me and accept me as I am, weaknesses and all. They have to be willing to compromise and work with me on things of great import, but at the same time they'd be willing to give me space to work through things that I need to on my own (since I'd certainly allow them the same courtesy if they wanted it.) And they'd have to be a good listener/conversationalist with a good sense of humor about things, or at least an opinion about things, because I'd enjoy that kind of interaction. (though they'd also have to be willing to just sit there with me and not talk about things too. Sometimes just being there with one another means more than doing something.)
I'm going to shut up now because I could write an essay about this, I swear
2) 3 major turn-ons?
* intelligence
* security
* compassion
3) 3 major turn-offs?
* unwillingness to see things from any view outside of their own
* impatience
* being unaffectionate
4) What would your ideal significant other look like? I have only one requirement: they must be taller than I am. And since I'm 5'0" tall that's never ever been a problem. After that, really, it's an almost moot point. I mean, of course I wouldn't be able to be with someone that repulsed me, looks or brains? response for more details!). *babbles*
5) Describe your ideal date My ideal date? I'd open myself up to whatever sort of thing that he wanted to do so that I'd be able to get to know him in an environment that made him most comfortable. Really, the date itself might not be magical or "ideal" in my mind, but if it'd help me get to really know him better then it's perfect.
Love or sex? Love. (granted, in most cases sex follows love, but love doesn't always follow sex)
Marriage or no? That really depends on what we both want. I've always imagined myself getting married someday, but it's not absolutely necessary
Looks or brains? Brains, without a doubt. I'm generally attracted to someone's intellect at first to begin with. I've found that the more I like the person's mind/soul the more and more attractive I find them, regardless of my first impressions. (on the other hand, a stupid pretty person is only ever just as pretty as they start out, and the more and more they talk the less and less appealing they are.)
Money or personality? Personality. (heck, I have no money! We can be interesting poor people together!)
Grilled cheese or caviar? Grilled cheese all the way. I love making grilled cheese!
Your turn!
7) What is your biggest personality flaw?
I am utterly insecure with myself and terrified of rejection, so I tend to keep myself distanced from people emotionally. (Socially, I'm right there with them, but it's more of a persona and I tend not to open up to them at all). I also might have maybe said that if someone ever told me that they loved me that I didn't think I'd believe them...which isn't exactly the right response to that, right? I really need to work on that, methinks.
8) What really good trait could you bring to a relationship?
Understanding. I'm good at trying to see things from others' perspectives, so I'd be able to see where he'd be coming from in situations and hopefully that'd help cut out potential arguments.
9) What are your definitions of “attraction” and “love?”
Attraction: Attraction is a drawing force that resides in the entire space between your heart and your stomach, and when it starts acting up you feel dizzy and fluttery and annoyingly flustered. It's what rears its ugly head when you're drawn to someone for whatever reason. It's a "crush", which is appropriately named because you're crushed when you realize that you're at the mercy of this person and they can trod all over your heart, even if they aren't even aware of the fact that you feel this way.
Love: Being able to want what's best for them before yourself. When you think about happiness you think about them being happy, not how happy you are. It's suddenly realizing that you feel a little more there in the world without having realized that you were ever less present. Mostly though, love is something that fills you up more than any food ever could and something that inspires you more than any music or art ever could. (which is why it's so hard to find at times) It's kind of like a gemstone in that it's beautiful and lasting, but hard to find in a pure form, which is why it should be coveted and cared for once found.
*babble babble* Seriously, someone tell me to shut up!
10)What would you consider your main interests or hobbies?
I love to read and write, though I'm doing less and less of the latter there lately, and I like to play games (board games, video games, cards games, etc...). Believe it or not, I enjoy learning and challenging myself too because the rewards are so great! And, I also like to either daydream or nap so I can really dream, since the stuff that goes on in my head is infinitely more interesting than my boring life!