Jul 27, 2012 16:31
I went yesterday to review the play, "Moliere Tonight!" at the Alliance Francaise de Bangalore.... and blanked out in actually removing my trusty MLC (Canon SX30) from across my shoulder and leaving it on or near the seat I was sitting. I realized I did not have it, when I came home....and was very sure I'd get it back.
I was ready to go back to the auditorium to get it, but meanwhile, some of the theatre group members assured me that they had it. Relieved, I went to sleep.
This morning, Naveen met me and returned....Vijay Padaki's videocam instead of my camera. Since then, I've been desperately trying to see if anyone might have it...and am just drawing a blank. Several group members saw the camera there, but did not know whose it was, so left it alone.
My dear, dear MLC....I am hobbled without it. I use it all the time, and it had become a part of me...
While in the US, I'd thought about getting another camera, but decided to postpone the purchase to next year.
I knew that the combination of my erratic memory and the jet lag (no, not yet gone fully) was bad, but not THIS bad....I still have no memory of what I did.
Feeling miserable....so much for my theories of non-attachment to material goods!