Overlooking facts and hoping for the best is a human trait....both D and A have breathing difficulties, and, indeed, A could never live far away from her inhaler, when she was in Bangalore. But of course, I was hoping that KTB would not develop any breathing issues....well, reality supervened, and they had to take her to the doctors' to help her breathe a bit better.
She's having albutrol to help her breathe easier.
It was heart-wrenching to see this photo, until I thought of the children whose health is far worse than just an attack of asthma...that helped me put it in perspective, and today, on G video chat, I was able to laugh and talk to a perfectly-normal (except for the occasional cough) grand-daughter.
Parents bring up their children through gadzillion tense moments like these....a healthy and happy child is nothing short of a series of miracles!