How many of us can so easily get Gold Medals or afford a Rolex?
Are you getting that sinking feeling about your diarrhoea or constipation?
You can have either shoes or cars as inner wear:
If you can't have Reebok shoes, you can have Airbok:
I really laughed at the "Poma" shoes, as "pO mA" in Tamizh means, "Go away, you woman!"
And if you want to be up to speed, you must have a Harley-Davidson cap!
"Law City" (the Chennai High Courts are right opposite) advertises by hanging lawyer's gowns!
If they are selling discs, you have to buy them..."hear"!
Most of all, I loved this sign, which unwittingly gave the message that it IS wiser to wear a helmet... and
itsalouwelylife asked if "glass change" meant currency coins that made of glass!