Jun 02, 2008 09:43
I dislike "group" wishes, where someone says, "Merry Christmas!" and sends it to the contents of hes inbox...and I never reply to those (at least... if the person has wished only 8 or 10 people at a time, I realize there is an effort to make it personal, and I do respond.)
But there are the times when one gets wishes which are not such "group" wishes, but somehow they fail to convince me that it's a personal, affectionate effort...
Here's one I got this morning...
"You celebrate your Wedding Anniversary on 2/6. We wish you Happy Anniversary and Many Happy Returns of the Day! May the Almighty shower His Choicest Blessings on both of you for years to come!! May you get the best of Health, Success and Satisfaction in the furture, as well!"
I'm sorry...but I don't see anything personal in that...I don't know if it is possible to set up a kind of program that sends out a standard anniversary or birthday message to someone on the right day.. but that's what this message looks like to me! (And it looks like they have covered birthday and anniversary in one message!)
But I did thank the sender, forbearing to mention that I too hope that we will get "satisfaction in the furture"! Gets harder, you know ;)))
KM and I are spending a quiet day together. He has to go to Hosur, and I am planning to go with him, even if it means getting home late!
We just declared a half-hour moratorium in the middle of a busy Monday morning (I have some work to finish pronto and KM has a LOT Of things to finalize before his departure on the 6th) and sat companionably with 2 cups of philter kapi....truly, there ARE embers in the ashes...after 32 years of married life!
wedding anniversary