Nov 06, 2007 17:12
Some worries on my mind right now. Mind control is quite tough, but managing it...
Frustration is, to come back to the subject title, when I coome back from a few days away, realize that there are simply SCORES of very, very interesting posts by my LJ friends...and because of several factors (led by an erratic internet connection) that I cannot comment on each and every one of them, *MUCH* though I would like to. (I cannot imagine another forum where I can express my reactions and opinions and people will quietly let me finish AND consider what I say!)
My LJ friends are SUCH an interesting bunch...and what a variety of topics there are. But I just don't have the time to comment on each one, especially when the comment page needs 3 or 4 clicks each time to display...
One reason why I tend to check LJ every day...and that could easily lead to addiction if I am not careful! (No, did fine for the past few days without the net; but it's when I come back, and check everyone's posts that I feel, Oh, I must reply to this, and this, and this, and.....!)
So...all of you...I *am* reading your posts. Forgive the uncharacteristic silence on the comments page!
There is also a lot to do with Deepavali around the corner...I polished all my brass lamps today, cleaned up the apartment...and so the day went...