RCT (Rapid Change Taxonomy)...a fatal complaint

Oct 22, 2024 11:14

Whenever I hear about taxosnomical changes (whether scientific or common names), I keep saying, "These name changes will kill me!"  ...so I decided to write a requiem to myself!

When I finally pass away

Ppeople will gather and talk,

One question they may all ask

Is, "She was like a rock.

'What happened to her?

A lady fond of life?

What was it that made her

Give up the daily strife?"

"Oh!" those in the know will say,

"She survived life's games.

But what finally did her in

Was the constant change of names.

"Scientific or common names...

They covered the entire  range,

The only constant factor there

Was the rate of change.

"Whether if was animals or plants

Or butterflies and birds,

What she just could not accept

Was the constant change of words.

"Called X one day and Y the next!

She struggled to keep abreast.

Scientific or common names....

Change without pause or rest.

"The more she learnt about creatures,

The less, she  found, she  knew.

Each  polysyllabic binomial

Replaced by something new.

"Ultimately her tired brain

Fizzed up and short-circuited.

The changes in taxonomy

Couldn't be handled in her head.

"Even in death, she's wondering

What  will now be *her* name...

As scientific nomenclature  demands

The name cannot be the same!"

Cheers, Deepa.

change, humour, common names, scientific names, verse

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