https://ebird.org/checklist/S135247563 (42 sp)
https://www.flickr.com/photos/86494503@N00/albums/72177720307850520 (69 photos)
https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10159851669348878&type=3 Shalini, Uma and I went to the IIMB campus. Not a single person joined us!
(This was a Husky belonging to someone on the campus)
It was nice to see that a tree had been planted by the architect of the Institute:
Seed pods of the Elephant Ear Tree:
One Godman took the "putra" part of the name of the Putranjiva tree and spread it about that eating its fruits would make women give birth to male children, always sought after in our culture!
Plains Cupid:
A Two-tailed Spider sits protecting her egg sac:
A Fruit Bat stretches its wings:
A Slate Flash
A Blue-banded Bee on Penta sp flowers:
Two life-forms fight each other on the back of a van on the way home!
Another sign which was not immediately clear in its meaning. After all, ALL of us have to leave the world one day!