Bngbirds 3rd Sunday Outing: Yelahanka Kere, 160423

Apr 16, 2023 17:08

I conducted the walk as Venkat Mangudi was out of town.

Part of the group (many people joined later), Yelahanka Kere, 160423


Bngbirds 3rd Sunday Outing:Yelahanka Kere (Lake), Sun, 16 Apr '23

Where: Yelahanka Lake
When: Saturday, Sun, 16 Apr '23

Meeting time: 6.30am

Meeting/Parking point :

Bring: Binoculars, cameras, bird books/apps, pads/pencils if you like to sketch or take notes.

Level terrain. Participants can leave whenever they wish to. Washrooms not available.

Wear: Dull-coloured clothes, hats/caps, comfy walking shoes

Bring plenty of water... and snacks if you like to share (we do!)

The walk will be for approx 2 to 2.5 hours. Not a circular trail, people can leave whenever they wish to. The lake gates close at 9am.

Those who would like to come to this outing can join the WA group at

Post- birding breakfast point:

New Udupi Veg
091087 45741

Mittal, Shalini, Sriram and I went to Chandra Cafe, further down on the road, location:

Quiter, covered space to sit, but more expensive, and few options for eating.

In case of need/emergency, please contact

Deepa Mohan, 99800 10366
Shalini Ukunge, 78291 55214

See you on Sunday!

Cheers, Bngbirds volunteers


eBird: (80 sp)


We had to cross a used railway track (here is a goods train approaching it had 42 wagons..I counted like I always do! ) and then an unused (I hope) one, to get to the lake bund.


Past sunrise

The group (pod) feeding of the Great Cormorants started with sunrise....

...and seemed to go on for hours!

One of the highlights was this adult male Streaked Weaver.

The gorgeous wings of the Purple Swamphen

Streak-throated Swallow

Spider Lily (Hymenocallis littoralis)

Rosy Milkweed Vine(Oxystelma esculentum)

Black-crowned Night Heron

Common or Eurasian Moorhen

Don't test the monster in me:

A shop was actually called this!

New Udupi Veg was crowded and had hardly any shaded seating, so Mittal, Shalini, Sriram and I went to Chandra Cafe, further down the road.

Pride of India, blooming all over Bangalore roads now



1. 0096 Great Cormorants pod fishing:

image Click to view

youtube, wildlife, scenery, videos, nature, photography, sun, birding, walks, flowers, lakes

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