Jan 29, 2023 21:43
My morning walk from my daughter's home, to mine, in sounds:
The Lalita Sahasranaam playing loudly from someone's balcony.
A gate creaking as the inmate of the house sets off for the morning walk.
The shrill whistle of the garbage collector and the beat of the collection van's diesel engine.
The metallic thunk, thunk, thunk of some construction workers straightening steel rods.
The rattling moped crossing me, followed by the quieter hiss of an electric scooter.
The shout of an ayah in a school bus, asking the parents to send the child downstairs as the bus is already late.
The harsh cawing of crows, the troo-troo of barbets, and the liquid, burbling call of the bulbul.
The cheerful "Hello, Akka!" from my maid Lakshmi, as she rushes to drop her children at school.(Her husband usually does this, but he's out of town. I mentally note that she's going to be late for work.)
The haunting singsong call of a knife- sharpener. The words are quite unintelligible with years of calling.
A neighbour calling out instructions to her spouse as she rushes to work.
My own footsteps on the stairs. (Part of my routine is to use the stairs unless I have too much to carry or am very tired.)
The click of my key in the door... and I am home.
jayanagar 9th block,