I think im getting sick :(

Feb 17, 2005 14:09

Break has been really fun so far. It started out with the BEST party I have been to in a looooooooooong time. Then I came up to Grand Valley i've been up here for like 3 or 4 days I think. Pretty much I have hung out with my asian and Lauren everyday. We went to Olive Garden one night, I saw Wedding Date and Hitch. They were both sweet movies. Last night I went swimming with Lauren, Holly, and Andy. After swimming everyone but Andy came over and my sister made us some dinner and we watched ALIAS. After ALIAS Holly and I used out sweet cooking skills to make the best cookies in the world. Then at about 1 last night we played DDR in the lobby for about an hour. Its has been sooooooo sweet, I think I just needed a break from everyone back home. I leave for Chicago tomorrow and I get my puppy Sunday! YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS.
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