Rants, again... :/

Nov 01, 2010 16:57

First of all, my exam started today and I think it went quite well today. I don't know what'll happen tomorrow though.

So, I have this issue with this girl and I have mentioned this a year ago I think in this entry. So basically after realizing that she indeed was ignoring me, I couldn't really care less because I'm not easily intimidated. Somehow, I think around 3-4 months after that entry, she suddenly tried to befriend me and Idk, I found it really weird but I ignored it. I had known her long enough and I knew better not to trust her. Dang, I was right. I don't know what her problem is, but she kept complaining about each persons. Idk, it felt like she always found something to rant about each friends and that was incredibly foolish and childish. Not to mention she had actually insulted each of us as 'stupid' which actually translated as 'bodoh' in Indonesian but she used the more rude form of it, which is 'goblok'.

Lately, my friends and I decided to keep a distance from her and she ignored us as well but starting a week ago she started bothering us, again, just because one of my friend whose name is Lina actually owns some last years papers or something along the line. I'm not going into more detail but the point is she accused us of something we never did in front of other friends who she barely knew but actually were close to me. And ti was plainly stupid. She once also accused me of something I never did (again) in front of my own cousin and her friends. That was really insulting and I couldn't understand how stupid she actually is. I mean hello, it's my cousin. I was so enraged and I wasn't hesitating in showing myr age at that time and afterwards she decided to turn a cold shoulder on me. Fine with me. It's not like I needed her. In fact she's always the one who needed me.

What is her issue anyway? She was just so snobbish but I don't understand what actually can she be so proud of herself? She's not really beautiful, just so-so. She's not really that clever, just diligent, and her scores are maybe high, but not really that high until we go 'wow'. She's not really that rich. Maybe her family is full of daughter but I have other friends whose family is even more gigantic, composed of doctors/dentists, and is really really rich but not snobbish at all. So ti's just plainly stupid.

I don't really like flaunting her misses in front of other but she had really pushed my button and I just couldn't stand it anymore. She did something really horrendous just yesterday and also insulted my friend's mother which is really inexcusable. Fine if you don't wanna be friend. We never consider you as one anyway. But don't bring family into this mess.

If war's all you want, you'll get it.

Tomorrow is going to be a long day. Wish me luck for tomorrow's test :)


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