last post before real semi hiatus~

Feb 02, 2009 20:44

Pimping a few RP communities~



An AU RP set in Rakuen Global City, United Souls chronicles the lives of people who take on multiple jobs, or Slashers as they are called, and the world they are living in. They are part of an emerging breed of young and skilled individuals who realized that, in today's workforce, there's no rule that says you have to commit to just one career.

Do you have what it takes to be a Slasher, Occupation: Part Time Everything.


Thousands of years ago, there lived a wise man who had three sons. All three of them had different characters and abilities, yet they were three brothers who were very close to each other. At that time, there was no King in the lands of Kyouvoyna, Asgard and Bonheur, but everyone obeyed what the wise man said because of his intelligence. And people came from all over the world to seek for his advice. When the wise man grew ill and was near death, people were worried that there was no one to lead and advice them. So they asked the wise man to let his sons rule them.
The wise man agreed to it and gathered his sons, he then assigned them each to one of the kingdoms. The first son who was strong and stern was told to go to Kyouvoyna, the second who although had a weak body had an intelligent mind was told to go to Asgard, and the third, the cheerful and optimistic one was to go to Bonheur.
Other than the three big lands, there was a small land called Midgard that was located in the middle. People from the three lands often met there to trade goods, this is also the land where the wise man stayed. Right before the wise man pass away, he told his faithful servant to take care of Midgard.
This servant, had a beautiful daughter, and fate has it that the three sons of the wise man fell in love with her. She realized that she had to choose either one of them, but she had always treated them like her own brothers and couldn’t bear to choose one, besides, she also had a lover. So she made a competition. Whoever could make their land a prosperous one will have her hand in marriage. She hoped that they will then focus in prospering their land that they would eventually forget about her.
So the three sons competed with each other and as the years passed, they become impatient and all evil thoughts came to them. Soon enough, a war broke through. The servant’s daughter had never expected of this outcome. In her sadness, she killed herself. The war stopped immediately.
The brothers then realized that they had forgotten that they used to be the closest brothers and they regretted for what they had done. If only they had not competed with each other, all four of them would still be together. The servant’s daughter would not have died and leave them.
From then on they vowed not to have any war and also never to touch Midgard, Midgard will always be a freeland. But that was thousands of years ago; their descendants had long forgotten the story and war along the years between them happened. But somehow those wars always came to an end before great damage had been done and it was because of Midgard. No one knew why, but Midgard had always stopped the war with one way or another.
But will things always stay that way? No one knows.

Tres Reinos RPG



A mysterious gaming company suddenly surfaced in Asia and offered gaming consoles that could match up to the best gaming consoles available in the market with only half the price. An added marketing strategy they made was to give out a free game called Paraiso, which they claim to be the game to end all games, to the first 100 buyers.

Little do they know, that once they start the game and they are done making their characters to their liking, they will be transported to the game itself where they only had two options: Either they embark on an adventure where they had to face certain ordeals to complete the game and get back to the real world, or forever live a life in the world of the game.
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