Another rant + meme~~

Jun 22, 2008 17:41

Dutchenchanted may say that she's such a negative person, but I think I'm not that positive either. Just like now..

I should have been studying now, but well, I'm too lazy... Ahahah.. I'm sure I won't be able to get good marks on my finals because I'm so lazy, no motivation, and thinking about let it be.. XP

Being negative is so irritating..
I get stressed quite easily but luckily, I find a way to encounter it..
But now, sometimes I wonder, what do I want to be anyway?
I'm in University now, so I SHOULD HAVE DECIDED what I want to be but in fact I haven't, or actually I'm still hesitating.. Or to be exact, I don't want to face the truth that I'm still stuck here in Indonesia...XP

Well.. My real plan is moving to other country *what country is a secret* to take medical sciences or architecture, while actually my dad doesn't like to send his children outside on undergraduate programs. If you want to take masters outside, it's okay.. So well, I was kind of pushing him a bit, and he almost agreed with what I want when suddenly he got a cancer, and I've got to change all of my plan, sadly...

And here I am, the negative me, don't know what I want to be, and stuck in here....XP

And I'm snagging this from twixsterria

You know how sometimes people on your friend's list post about stuff going on in their life, and all of a sudden you think "Wait a minute? Since when are they working THERE? Since when are they dating HIM/HER? since when???" And then you wonder how you could have missed all that seemingly pretty standard information, but somehow you feel too ashamed to ask for clarification because it seems like info you *should* already know? It happens to all of us sometimes.

Please copy mine below, erase my answers putting yours in their place then post it in your journal! Please elaborate on the questions that would benefit from elaboration! One-word answers seldom help anyone out.

001 First Name:
Ummmm... I'm confused abou this actually... Well, for my Indonesia name it's Devi, and my chinese name is wu sian sian (wu shan shan), so the first name should be sian/shan right?

002 Age:
18... Will be 19 on November 10 this year...XP

003 Location:
ummm... Indonesia, in Surabaya city

004 Occupation:
Umm.. A university student, a tutor too, so well...XP

005 Partner:
Um... It's quite complicated now....

006 Kids:
Well, haven't got any now~~

007 Brothers/Sisters:
1 younger sister

008 Pets:
only fishes

009 List the 3-5 biggest things going on in your life:

1) Schools
Yeah, got to go through this...>.<

2) Relationship and friendship
Well, got to fix things up~~

3) Money
Why I list this? Because I spend too much money for buying things...XP

010 Where and for what did you go to school for?:
Now in Airlangga University, taking pharmacy.. The reason? I'm confused myself, maybe because it's public university, and being accepted in public university is hard so well~~

011 Parents:
Umm.. Fine I think...Ahahaha...XP

012 Who are some of your closest friends?:
Quite many, because I move to other school for high school and still keep in contact with my old friend.. Couldn't list one by one~~

Addendum (other things you should know about me):
- I am afraid of dogs
- Afraid of baloon exploding sounds too, trauma perhaps?
- Hard to sleep.. Need to be in the best place, no sounds at all, with my own pillow, dark, etc.
- Loves reading books so much.. I collected many kinds of books, even economic books.. XP
- So talkative.. Yeahh.. I typed it right...LoL~~
- Want to move to Germany or Japan~~ *for school and work reason*
- will add later..

So that's all from me..
If I remember something then I'll add it right away...XP

meme, random things

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