Random Rainbow

May 30, 2009 00:36

It's past midnight. What am I doing awake? I haven't the foggiest idea! Today's (or yesterday's? tomorrow's? What day is it?) Random Rainbow is brought to you by the color handsome and the number sushi. It's also brought to you by the 20 some people who wanted to see Random Rainbows and didn't think they needed to be filtered, so there you have it. <3

If you are among the nine or ten who wanted to see my Twitter feeds, I'll get that set up in the next few days. I got the code from a friend (note to self: respond to said friend already, you horrible person!) and should be able to get it all figured out soon. Maybe. I don't know. Can't brain; I has the dumb.

I have a little drum. Rum ta tum tum. I like my little drum. It's not really mine. It's Rhianna's. I... need to take Rhianna out of her box. Poor thing. I left her in the car for almost a week! I was a bad resin-mama! ;op /dork

What am I saying? Totally not /dork. But whatever. Can you tell I'm about two inches from crashing in bed? I'm so tired. But I wanted to send you guys my love, and a Random Rainbow, and give an update on what's happening with Twitter and such.

Oh, I'm going to be doing the 365 photos thing, but it's gunna be more like "Amie, you're going to take a picture of something that you find worth taking a picture of every day. If you don't know what to take a picture of, you will FIND something. Life is worth living. Life is worth sharing. Life is worth HAPPI! >.>

I get it... bed now. ::tumbleslovingsonthewayupthestairs::


So I know I have Ghostbuster fans on my list. And I think I have Californications on my list... So I don't know if I have an Californications that are also Ghostbuster fans, but if you are, pull out your packs and pop on your goggles! You know you want to see the one and only blu-ray screening premier. And who knows, you could be the next Ghostbuster. After all, Ghostbusters is hiring!

That is all.

::falls back up the stairs::


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