The Random Rainbow... Random Rainbow! ::sung to Reading Rainbow song::

May 28, 2009 14:16

Okay, so, one? I have an awesome new icon. See it. Bask in its glory. Isn't it amazing? I kind of want to cosplay it. Those of you who recognize it, dispair no longer! I know what it's from! Yes, and not only that, but it is readily available, and... shock of shocks, probably very cheap in your local Walmart (or similar)'s bargain/$1 bin!

The movie is The Pied Piper of Hamelin, and it was released in 1957. I am told it's actually rather amusing, and I am bound and determined to watch it. Anyone else plan to watch it? We could totally share reviews and titter on about it like fools once we have! <3

For the second point, I have far too many icons too few icon slots. I had to delete an icon I don't use often to make room for this one, and I know I'm going to eventually find more I want to use. Guess I'm going to have to save these things to my hard drive at home and start cycling them out, eh?

Point the third... huh, what was I going to say? I... have no clue. S'what I get for doing work between points. Okay, point the third: expect to see Random Rainbow posts at least once a day. Nothing in them will ever be negative (or at least, not the type of negative that's at all upsetting--maybe stuff like the icon comments above). People are welcome to be random and cheerful with me. I just think I need this, and so does my flist.

The fourth: I've seen a couple of people (or maybe just one friend, I don't know, my mind is mush) doing that 365 picture challenge. I only have a camera phone, at present, but that's good enough. If I did something like that, who here would want to see it? It might wind up on my daily Random Rainbows if people like these. Not sure yet. Putting out feelers.

Fifth: I am now imagining myself as an octopus, stretching out my little suction cupped feelers across the intertubes. This is at the same time an adorable and terrifying image. XD

Sixth: There is no number six, right? Or am I... remembering incorrectly? Naughty me is picking up other people's inside jokes and stealing them... >.>

Seventh: Might actually be six, I don't know, one of these two doesn't exist, so just ignore whichever one is meant to not exist. Heh.

Eighth: The word eighth always bothers me. I think it's because eight already ends in t, so just adding an h to the end of a word is strange. Hmm, I should make better random points.

Ninth: I probably haven't repsonded to a lot of comments, PMs, and emails. As you all know I've been rather stressed lately. I may or may not go back to some of the ones I meant to respond to and respond to them. If I missed or didn't respond to something important, just let me know. There are one or two I know I will get back to but, ironically, they're not at all in regard to someone who reads my journal anymore.

Tenth: Random Rainbows, what do you think of them? Daily? Weekly? Hate them? Love me? I want to know!
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