[Twitter] Nothing To See Here

May 22, 2009 23:02

I'm trying to do everything I can to make people happy, but it seems I'm failing. Does anyone even read my Twitters through LJ? I want to share my thoughts with people who I care about, but I'm sick of the only responses being "omg hate j00 don't want to see it how dare you?!?!11eleventyone!" If nobody reads, I'll get rid of this, and just live with the fact that nobody cares about what I have to say. Just let me know either way how you feel.

  • Wow, it's tomorrow. O.o Goodnight moon... wait... I don't see the moon. Well, goodnight anyway. Morning. Something.
  • Got out of work early, yay. So very out of it, boo. Free entertainment center from freecycle, yay! May not fit in our car, boo. Hmm...
  • Dinner overturned, flop, right onto the carpet. Fun times! Frantic cleaning, much stressed crying, and now I must start cooking again.
  • Didn't cook; no appetite. Couldn't get the furniture; no vehicle big enough. Tired, sore, giving up. Contest posts and that's it.
  • Hey look, it's another chance to check out www.theoriginalscrapbox.com ! Bet you didn't expect that, eh? <3


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