I Tawt I Taw A Puddy Tat

May 14, 2009 16:30

Okay, Twitter better respect my authority and ship the RIGHT things. As discussed in my first feed/ship, I will only be posting my actual activity, and no responses to other people's Twitter postings, on my journal. I ship to LJ so that my friends know what I am doing, even if I do not have time to make a real post or enough to say worth making a real post for.

  • Off to the chiropractor, and then home to try to make room for a bigger table so Joel's computer has somewhere to go. Sounds fun, huh?
  • AAAAUUUUUURRRRRGGGHHHHHHH! /rant that will never get an explanation, so don't ask.
  • Participating in the Great Strides walk this Saturday. If you are so inclined, please donate! bit.ly/15NO3K
  • The interwebs hate me. I see a reboot in my immediate future. ;-;
  • Afternoon from HELL! ::dies, dead::


This method uses CSS to suppress the display of Loudtwitter.

Go to the "Customize Journal Style" under "Journal" on your profile page. At the left, there are tabs - select "Custom CSS". In the main box of that page ("Custom stylesheet"), add the following code and then save changes:

.loudtwitter {
display: none!important
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