I had a nifty little poem written here, but LoudTwitter ate it. So instead, you just get this message, and a handy, dandy LJ-cut.
- 15:59 thinks she needs a swift kick in the arse to actually make real LJ posts again... #
- 23:50 Made a for reals LJ post. Insanity! <3 #
- 08:02 @ slyfoxesq Ooh, may I have some Slytherin cake too? I wonder what it tastes like. XD #
- 08:02 @ Tmason47 That's one decked out ambulance. Is this... normal? O.o #
- 08:30 @ amiofechoes What does Trillian have the ability to combine again? I'd definitely be interested in a beta invite. <3 #
- 08:32 And now I remember why I had my Twitter on Private. Is there some way to actually, you know, stop random people from following you? O.O! #
- 08:36 @ freezingkiss Who are you, why do you follow me, and do I know you? ::poke:: I've tried to message you before but got no response. #
- 08:57 @ amiofechoes Oh man, sounds perfect for me. Too bad I can't use it at work, too. It'd be all sorts of convenient. Still, invite please? #
- 09:04 @ tiffanylowry Hi! You just started following me. Do I know you? I'm horrible with screennames and recognizing friends. #
- 09:21 @ persolo If I go Private (which I was previously), then I can't ship Twitters to my LJ. It's very frustrating. #
- 09:22 @ heidianna Yea, I'd like to say the same thing, but it makes me uncomfortable. I figure if they don't respond after a while, I'll block. #
- 09:37 @ persolo Is there a Ben & Jerry's? You could go get cinnamon roll icecream. <3 #
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LoudTwitter Please, friends, if you take issue to my Twitter feeds, please contact me and try to resolve the matter civilly rather than defriending me without letting me know why. If the matter is important enough to you, I'm sure we can work something out. I don't want to lose friends over something so trivial.