Computer Woes

Apr 03, 2009 11:53

Don't know how I did it, but I have apparently broken a record at work. Yesterday, I got an error message on login. I report this message to IT, and they come to check things out. They start a virus scan at around noon, and this virus scan (inexplicably) finds almost two thousand viruses/risks before I leave at 5pm. When I leave, it is still running. I come in this morning to find... you guessed it, the virus checker still running. By this point, it had over nine thousand viruses.

I call IT, frantic, because I have no clue what I could have done to cause this. I always go to the same websites on my off time, so do my normal websites (LiveJournal, Facebook, PonyIsland, Gmail, Hotmail, and one or two browser based games I've been playing for well over a year) really have such hideous risks on them? What could I possibly be doing wrong? And none of this "not going online at work" deal, because I've gotten permission to go online during my lunch break and after I'm off the clock. But with all the virus protection they have here at work, why am I the one getting infected so much? There must be something I can do to prevent it. If I just knew which website was the culprit...

It's frustrating, though. He was able to get rid of the problem, finally, in safe mode. At least, we think he did. I guess we'll just have to wait and see if it repopulates. So either above and beyond nine or eighteen (I was unclear if he meant he'd deleted 9k just today, or both yesterday and today) thousand viruses/trojans/risks. That's ludicrous!

They've gone PLAID! ::ahem::

Anyway, so, what do you guys think? What have I missed these past few days, anyway? I was home sick on April Fool's day, and yesterday was mostly taken up by that virus checker (as was a good chunk of this morning). So I guess I'm probably a bit behind the times. Everyone going to have a good weekend?

I'm not looking forward to my drive home tonight. I'm told traffic will be hideous because local schools are starting spring break. Aurgh! I already had to deal with an overturned tractor trailer (I hope no one was hurt, but geeze does that traffic ruin a day), which had me barely getting to work on time even though I left early enough (and was almost downtown when it happened) to get to work an hour and a half early. ::flaaaaaails:: Gridlocked traffic, and me with no book to read while I sat there in park. Fun times.

work, computer

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